
OCT Scans

Similar to an ultrasound or MRI examination, an OCT exam is a fast and non-invasive way for your doctor to assess the health of your eyes.

Advanced OCT technology allows your doctor to look below the surface of the retina to detect warning signs before disease affects your vision and determine the best course of care for you.

How damaging eye diseases can impact vision loss

  • Glaucoma - Often called the "silent thief of sight," it affects peripheral vision without warning.
  • Diabetic retinopathy - It is estimated that one-third of adults with diabetes are affected by this disease, which may cause blind spots and/or floaters.
  • Macular degeneration - A rapidly progressing eye disease that often goes undetected, it is the leading cause of central vision loss in people over 60.

Optomap Imaging

Optomap imaging is different than “Retinal Photos” some practices offer-such as Costco, Vogue etc. Optomap captures a wide panoramic image of the retina allowing the doc to see more of the retina than is possible with a retinal camera. I have caught many tears and retinal detachments in patients that have come in for routine eye exams and have no symptoms.

If left untreated these conditions can result in permanent vision loss.

Many of these pathologies would not have been caught with a retinal camera.

Humphries Visual Field Analyzer

We have a Humphries Visual Field Analyser diagnostic test to measure the peripheral (or side) vision of each eye.

It is commonly used to detect vision problems caused by diseases of the eye or brain, such as glaucoma, optic nerve damage and tumors.

It provides information regarding the location of any disease processes or lesion(s) throughout the visual pathway

Myopia Management

We use specialized contacts and glasses to slow the progression of myopia(nearsightedness) in children. Being more myopic as an adult increases the risk of many eye diseases such as glaucoma as well as significantly increasing the risk of developing a retinal detachment resulting in vision loss.

Preventing the eye from becoming more myopic helps significantly deter these pathologies in later life. Our docs have specialized training in contacts for children as young as 6 and or glasses with special focusing properties to help slow down myopia significantly.

These contact and lenses have been studied extensively and are scientifically backed.

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